Thursday, April 22, 2010


To give you a little back-story, because being a good story teller means I have to, prior to about one month ago, my least favorite piece of equipment at the gym was the Elliptical (not counting the stairsteppers, which I don't even count as a possibility at this point).

Prior to my Black Belt test and through about a year ago, I could spend a good half hour on the treadmill, even about 15 minutes jogging and be fine, but I would get on the Elliptical and last no more than 3 minutes and then I would hurt like the dickens for days. I just decided my body wasn't built for it.

But having trouble with my knees as I've been training this year I've had to try knew things. I've spent a lot of time on the bike and decided several weeks ago that I'd give the elliptical a go. After riding the bike for a good workout I went to the elliptical and lasted 7 whole minutes!

But until today, I hadn't lasted more than 21 minutes and THAT was a BIG accomplishment.

However, tonight, I went for a full 30 minutes! I'm not speedy but I did last 30 minutes. That's after riding the bike for 10 min to warm up and then I finished with another 14 minutes on the bike.

Small stuff for some but an accomplishment I'm proud to share!

What do you think about the Elliptical?


  1. I think the elliptical machine is a complete and total torture machine! There are little trolls that come out and puncture your quads with tons of pain!!

    I'm so proud of you making it 30 minutes!!!!
