Friday, February 19, 2010


I know, I know...I haven't updated in over two weeks. My apologies. I'm getting busier with studies and by the time I think of blogging my brain has turned into butter left on a hot stove.

I am finally noticing improvement in my knees. Two and a half weeks ago I decided to try biking instead of walking. The pain in my knees and surrounding ligaments had become very painful when I walked. So I got on the bike and rode, and rode and to my delight it did not aggravate my knees!

I did that twice and then started mixing it up. I usually start on the bike and then move to the treadmill. I also began adding in some exercise on the weight machines (which I finally found...funny story). Last night was my best night yet.

11 minutes on the bike
26 min walking
Leg extension
Leg press

And I got that all done in under and should have seen me rushing out the door to get to my car. UCCS (University of Colorado at Colorado Springs) has extremely limited parking for it's 8,000 + students. So you either have to pay big $ to have a parking pass or pay an hourly parking fee ($1.75/hour). I didn't want to pay for two hours last.

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! So glad the bike riding is working out for you.
