Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Itty bitty seeds

The last seeds I started March 9th are German Chamomile. They are pretty and look like small daises to me. I read they are grown for the heads. You pluck them, dry them and then add a couple to a cup of hot water and presto! you have fresh Chamomile tea.

The small size of the seeds surprised me. When I opened the seed packet, there was a smaller envelope inside. It was perhaps 1"x 2". All 250 seeds would probably fit on a dime with room to spare. They looked a bit like ground pepper.

I gingerly tried tapping out a couple per space in the seed tray until one TAP sent all the remaining seeds into one cell. Oops.

I didn't want to waste all those seeds so I did my best at picking up a few with my fingers and placing them into other cells. We'll see how they grow. Next time I'll figure out a better way of planting those seeds.

Have any of you ever had chamomile tea grown in a backyard garden? What did you think?


  1. Thank goodness you did not sneeze!! The only seed I have planted is the tomato. I love watching it grow! Thank you for the photos!

    1. I'm so excited for your tomato! I look forward to the pictures. :)
