Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cayenne you say HOT?

Ok, ok! I know that was a silly play on words (and slightly on a southern accent).

I decided to try and grow something I've not grown before: Cayenne peppers! I'm not really a spice lover but I do love growing new things. I enjoy the idea of growing my own peppers, dehydrating them and making my own DIY cayenne pepper flakes.

Besides, my roommate, best friend and photographer-extraordinaire, Chris, LOVES spicy food and she has dibbs on those peppers so she can try and make her own hot sauce.

I ordered Joe's Long Cayenne from Seed Savers Exchange and planted them when I planted my onions and lettuces. They grow long and thin about the width of a pencil.

I'll put these in a bucket in my hoop house this summer. They'll love the heat along with my tomatoes. Maybe there will be enough for some flakes as well as some hot sauce.

Have you ever grown Cayenne Peppers? Did you eat them fresh or use them another way?


  1. I am a HUGE Tabasco sauce user. I can't wait to try to make my own sauce. Should be something amazing! What shall we call it? Cayenne you say HOT?!

  2. Rats! I was gonna call dibs on the cayenne... until I saw your BFF gets first dips. Maybe one just to taste?

    1. I'll bring you at least one to try and enjoy. :)

    2. I'll bring you at least one to try and enjoy. :)
