Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Excercise Ball

I put together a really good strength workout from a couple youtube videos. I went searching for excercises that can be done with a big excercise ball, since I have one. I'm so proud of myself for finding something on rather than feeling the need to buy into one of those really expensive excercise video clubs.

From the first video, I do all the excercises. I do the first two from the second video. From the first video I discovered the hardest technique and the one I like the best looks the simplest but really kicks my butt (well, technically my arms, back and abs). On your knees you set the ball in front of you just to where you can reach it with your finger tips. You then roll out onto the ball leaning forward as you would in a plank or pushup and then roll back. Watch it and see if you don't think it looks very easy.
But I dare you...try it. I'd love to get your reaction to it.

These are the excercises I do on the couple days a week that I'm not biking or ellipticall-ing.

Any fun workouts you've found that really strengthen your muscles?

1 comment:

  1. I liked it!! That is a nice stabilizing core muscle workout! Good stuff and thanks for sharing. :)
