I am reading a book for my class "The Great Books of Economics". It's called "The Worldly Philosophers - The Lives, Times, and Ideas of the Great Economic Thinkers". It was first published in 1953. This book is full of big words -- words that I have had to look up. I can normally guess the meaning of the word based on the way it is used in the sentence. However some of these left me clueless. I've listed some and their definitions.
Frontispiece: an illustrated leaf preceding the title page of a book.
Dicta: an authorative pronouncement
Disquisition: a formal discourse or treatise in which a subject is examined and discussed; dissertation
Jurisprudence: the science or philosophy of law, a body or system of laws
Rapacity: inordinately greedy, predatory; extortionate
Vermicular: of, pertaining to, or done by worms
Abeyance: temporary inactivity, cessation or suspension
Sinecure: an office or position requiring little or no work, esp. one yielding profitable returns.
I might add, I am only in chapter 3!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Shoe check and fur hood lining
I took a walk at dusk tonight. I was scheduled for a 20 minute walk today but got distracted playing with my new Netbook (basically a mini-laptop). I looked up and was startled by the diming sun light. So I bundled up to go for a walk around the park just east of my house. It was WINDY. Anyone who lives with lots of wind knows how much colder it can be when it's windy.
I was trying to be tough and not use my hood but I couldn't do it! There must be some lingering Floridian in me trying to keep warm. I pulled on my hood and snapped it closed but that wasn't enough. The wind was still blowing into my hood. I had to use the draw strings to pull it tight around my face. I look like an Inuit when I do that.
At this point I have to interject that I am terribly fond of the faux fur lining on my hood. It is amazing at keeping the wind off my face and therefore keeping it much warmer. If you have never had a hood with fur lining, go snag one from a friend and try it. It's really quite amazing.
The walk was a good one. Walking in a public park on the earth, not a sidewalk, does pose certain areas of concentration not found on a treadmill. For example, you have to watch out for divits and holes so you don't trip. The other, you can imagine, is why I do a shoe check before I come in the house...yes, the dreaded doggie fertilizer. Hee hee...thankfully I was fertilizer free after my walk tonight.
I was trying to be tough and not use my hood but I couldn't do it! There must be some lingering Floridian in me trying to keep warm. I pulled on my hood and snapped it closed but that wasn't enough. The wind was still blowing into my hood. I had to use the draw strings to pull it tight around my face. I look like an Inuit when I do that.
At this point I have to interject that I am terribly fond of the faux fur lining on my hood. It is amazing at keeping the wind off my face and therefore keeping it much warmer. If you have never had a hood with fur lining, go snag one from a friend and try it. It's really quite amazing.
The walk was a good one. Walking in a public park on the earth, not a sidewalk, does pose certain areas of concentration not found on a treadmill. For example, you have to watch out for divits and holes so you don't trip. The other, you can imagine, is why I do a shoe check before I come in the house...yes, the dreaded doggie fertilizer. Hee hee...thankfully I was fertilizer free after my walk tonight.
The Spirit of the Marathon
Has anyone ever seen the documentary "The Spirit of the Marathon"? It was available for online viewing on my Netflix account. The program was really well done. They followed 7-10 people through their training to run the 2005 Chicago Marathon. Those they followed included one of the "Elite Runners" -- those that actually run a marathon to win it -- all the way through an over 65 gentleman training to run his third marathon.
The history of the marathon was appropriately intermingled with personal stories. From a woman's perspective, one of the most intriguing parts was the history of woman runners. Apparently after an early Olympics, in which, after completing an 800K run several women collapsed in exhaustion, the powers that be decided that woman are not long distance runners. They attempted to protect women by eliminating all women's long distance competitions.
One actual and ludacris documented reason that women should not run was because "their uterises would fall out". However, as the Boston Marathon grew in popularity a woman, Katherine Switzer, registered to run (1976), by simply using her first initial rather than her first name. So she was registered and given numbers.
The press jumped all over it when they saw a women running. They were amazed and seemed to thoroughly enjoy the moment. However, there was a race official, who taking great pride in the race, jumped into the road, grabbed her and litterally tried to throw her out of the race. Coming to her rescue was her training partner, who came full on with a shoulder block aimed at this man, throwing him to the side of the road instead. The two took off running and both completed the race. Her completion of the marathon sparked a resurgence of running for woman all over the world. To see more about this you can visit her website at www.kathrineswitzer.com.
If any of you watch this documentary, I'd love to hear what you thought.
The history of the marathon was appropriately intermingled with personal stories. From a woman's perspective, one of the most intriguing parts was the history of woman runners. Apparently after an early Olympics, in which, after completing an 800K run several women collapsed in exhaustion, the powers that be decided that woman are not long distance runners. They attempted to protect women by eliminating all women's long distance competitions.
One actual and ludacris documented reason that women should not run was because "their uterises would fall out". However, as the Boston Marathon grew in popularity a woman, Katherine Switzer, registered to run (1976), by simply using her first initial rather than her first name. So she was registered and given numbers.
The press jumped all over it when they saw a women running. They were amazed and seemed to thoroughly enjoy the moment. However, there was a race official, who taking great pride in the race, jumped into the road, grabbed her and litterally tried to throw her out of the race. Coming to her rescue was her training partner, who came full on with a shoulder block aimed at this man, throwing him to the side of the road instead. The two took off running and both completed the race. Her completion of the marathon sparked a resurgence of running for woman all over the world. To see more about this you can visit her website at www.kathrineswitzer.com.
If any of you watch this documentary, I'd love to hear what you thought.
Getting Back In Shape
The last couple workouts have been harder than I thought. It's not because the workouts themselves are difficult, but because I'm out of shape. It amazes me how long it takes to get in shape but how quickly you can get out of shape. I've been active, engaged in intense workouts at TKD and at the gym, since June 2004. I've only been inactive for about 7 months and I can really feel the difference.
My main concerns are my joints, especially my knees. So I am working on strenghtening them. I noticed the strain on them after Friday's 40 minute walk. I iced them that night and they are better. I am being a little cautious at the beginning because I have a long term goal. However, I hope to be jogging some of each workout in February. I'm pretty sure I'll get there.
My main concerns are my joints, especially my knees. So I am working on strenghtening them. I noticed the strain on them after Friday's 40 minute walk. I iced them that night and they are better. I am being a little cautious at the beginning because I have a long term goal. However, I hope to be jogging some of each workout in February. I'm pretty sure I'll get there.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
First Night Back at TaeKwondo!
TaeKwondo will be my cross-training activity during my half-marathon training. Wednesday night was my first night back. Class was small and that was good because I got personal attention. I haven't taken a class since June and I am rusty.
Thanks, Miss Jan! Jan was the other blackbelt student in class with me. She took time to refresh me on Taegeuk PalChang before class. It's the form we are learning this quarter. That refresher helped a lot.
We did some good core work at the beginning of class and I am feeling it today. Gotta give it up to the good old ABC sit ups!
Thanks, Miss Jan! Jan was the other blackbelt student in class with me. She took time to refresh me on Taegeuk PalChang before class. It's the form we are learning this quarter. That refresher helped a lot.
We did some good core work at the beginning of class and I am feeling it today. Gotta give it up to the good old ABC sit ups!
Beginning training
Monday was my mile benchmark. Basically I was to walk/run a mile and time it so Coach would have an idea of where I am starting. Chris came to be my timer. We went out to Jenkins Middle School. They have a 1/4 track available to the public.
I did the prescribed warm up (about 15 minutes walking slowly) the dynamic warm ups (involved some high knees and butt-kickers) and some accelerations. Then I began my mile. I haven't been active (other than work) since June so I knew I would need to walk most of it. I walked the first lap (1/4 mile) in 4:55. I picked up the pace the second lap and finished in 4:33. The third lap I jogged a portion of one of the straightways and finished in 4:03. And the last lap I jogged most of both straightways and a bit at the end...finishing the last lap in 3:36. My total mile time was 17:08. The good part is that I kept increasing my speed and beat each lap by almost 30 seconds.
I could hear my cheerleader (Chris) cheering towards the end of every lap. It was good to have her out there.
My right hamstring felt a bit sore afterwards. So I iced up that night, in fact I strapped an ice pack to the back of both legs and slept that way. It felt so much better in the morning.
Tuesday's prescribed workout was a short 20 minute walk. I was grateful as I was still feeling soreness in my right hamstring. However, by the time I took my walk I wasn't feeling it anymore.
Tuesday was also my first night at the Recreation Center at UCCS (the University I'm attending). I must admit, I was self-conscious. It was full of 18 to early 20 year-olds, all buff and in good shape. I got more than one second-glance. Nonetheless, this is my gym now and I'm going to make it home and get to know these people and hopefully impart something into their lives.
I did the prescribed warm up (about 15 minutes walking slowly) the dynamic warm ups (involved some high knees and butt-kickers) and some accelerations. Then I began my mile. I haven't been active (other than work) since June so I knew I would need to walk most of it. I walked the first lap (1/4 mile) in 4:55. I picked up the pace the second lap and finished in 4:33. The third lap I jogged a portion of one of the straightways and finished in 4:03. And the last lap I jogged most of both straightways and a bit at the end...finishing the last lap in 3:36. My total mile time was 17:08. The good part is that I kept increasing my speed and beat each lap by almost 30 seconds.
I could hear my cheerleader (Chris) cheering towards the end of every lap. It was good to have her out there.
My right hamstring felt a bit sore afterwards. So I iced up that night, in fact I strapped an ice pack to the back of both legs and slept that way. It felt so much better in the morning.
Tuesday's prescribed workout was a short 20 minute walk. I was grateful as I was still feeling soreness in my right hamstring. However, by the time I took my walk I wasn't feeling it anymore.
Tuesday was also my first night at the Recreation Center at UCCS (the University I'm attending). I must admit, I was self-conscious. It was full of 18 to early 20 year-olds, all buff and in good shape. I got more than one second-glance. Nonetheless, this is my gym now and I'm going to make it home and get to know these people and hopefully impart something into their lives.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Meeting with Coach
I met with Coach today. We talked in detail about the my benchmark test tomorrow. Chris has volunteered to be there and time me. I have been prescribed some walking and warm ups to get the blood flowing first. Then I'll give myself to a mile (in my shiny New Balance running shoes) and see how I do.
There are people who could train without a coach but I keep hearing this in my head: "Know what you want, Have a plan, HAVE A COACH, Take continuous action, Review your plan, Renew your goals, Ma'am!" These are the "Six Rules of Success" taught to students at A.L.L. TaeKwondo.
Running, though I know it is simple, is something I haven't done much and I have set a big goal for myself. It's important for me to know that someone who's been down this road before me is showing me where to go and the best way to get there.
There are people who could train without a coach but I keep hearing this in my head: "Know what you want, Have a plan, HAVE A COACH, Take continuous action, Review your plan, Renew your goals, Ma'am!" These are the "Six Rules of Success" taught to students at A.L.L. TaeKwondo.
Running, though I know it is simple, is something I haven't done much and I have set a big goal for myself. It's important for me to know that someone who's been down this road before me is showing me where to go and the best way to get there.
Friday, January 15, 2010
It is begun!
I made my way to the Colorado Running Company at N. Tejon and Cache Le Poudre to buy some running shoes today. I met my coach, Nicole, there to buy some shoes. Chris joined me too in support of the big adventure I'm setting out on this year. My goal is to run the Disney World Half-Marathon next January.

To explain where I developed this interest we have to go back in time...just a bit. Towards the end of my training for Black Belt, to prepare for the fitness test, I began spending quite a bit of time on the treadmill; running a mile was part of the fitness test. To my surprise, I found I really enjoyed it. But it did not become a regular thing. I took on a part-time job in addition to my full-time job -- my goal being to pay off my debt and build some savings.
During this period of long days and little excercise I had a conversation with Jenny, a co-worker at Coleson Foods. In college, she trained and ran in the Los Angeles marathon. It was such a moving experience for her that it stuck with me after she told her story.
I began to think about the experience and wonder if I could ever do something like it. In August, during the opening ceremonies of the 2008 Olympics I was speaking with a friend, Nicole. She had trained at the same TaeKwondo school (dojang) as I. She had been competing in triathalons and was now coaching a team.
I tossed the idea of running a half-marathon out to her and to my surprise, she was completely supportive. I must admit, I thought anyone in their right mind would say "You? Are you kidding?" or the more kind version "What about walking a half-marathon?" In fact, she thought it would take little time for me to reach the level of a half-marathon.
That so intrigued me that I really gave it some thought. In a short time I had determined to do it. However, I knew, with my two-job schedule, that it would have to be postponed.
Well, NOT ANYMORE! I'm ready, willing and now shoe-ed!
I had fun today, having my foot-print and my jogging gate analyzed, being fitted in shoes and taking a couple jogs out the door, around the corner and back again (with Chris at my side in her flip flops).
I have a meeting on Sunday with Coach Nicole to arrange all the things that need arranging and then I will do a test mile on Monday, with Chris as my timer. Then I'm off and nothing can stop me!
So welcome to my blog. It'll primarily be a way to update my family and friends about my training but don't be suprised if the other aspects of my life float around in here too. This is going to be a great year and a great adventure. Come along with me, won't you?!
A digital representation of my feet. Notice my right arch is higher than my left. (Notice Chris in the reflection doing her duty as my personal photographer.)
My new shoes! They are red, black and silver. (Ooh...SHINY!)

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